Hi dad, just having a few tears, I so miss you and mum. Hope you are having fun up there and causing a bit of havoc, cause I'm causing a bit down here. Me and Sara always talking about you and mum and we do laugh a lot. We'll my sweethearts massive hugs and kisses Love you all lots Rachel and Sara xxxx
4th July 2018
I just wanted to leave my condolences and a comforting scripture. John 5:28 reads- 'Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." This speaks of a resurrection of our dead loved ones. I know you don't know me but you and the family will be in my prayers.
When you have a chance visit the site below, it really helped me during the loss of my grandmother. https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/dead-live-again-tract/dead-live-again/
2nd September 2016
Dear grandad, missing you so much everyday more and more. Love you so much you are the most amazing granadad anyone could ever have. Looking at your old pictures and it seems wired that your not here with us. Fly high,from your loving granddaughter Sara xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx😘💘💘💘💜💓💕
Sent by sara on 02/09/2016